And the winner is…

July 20, 2010

I know you’ve been shuffling in your seats wondering who has been declared the official winner of this exclusive MIZU Salon Contest.  Without further ado, I am honored to announce Amy Pantano as the winner and recipient of the $130 Mizu Salon gift card! Amy arrived to our office with a smile to brighten even the gloomiest of days (with this fantastic gift card to such a fine salon as MIZU, who could blame her for being so excited?)  Our photographer, Madison “Champagne” Gouzie, conducted a brilliant photo shoot to commemorate the moment.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

This is the start of something new.  We at Nieubreed enjoyed our partnership with MIZU for this contest so much, that we want to make this national! So stay tuned, you never know when you’ll have the opportunity to be the next winner of a gift card for a Salon or Spa in your area!

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